The Dance Gypsy presents

The “Downtown Amherst Contradance” in Amherst, Massachusetts

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This (optional) map includes “clickable” links to the first several (as many as 50) confirmed events. Clicking on a “dancer pin” takes you to the details for that event. All events (confirmed or unconfirmed) matching your description are included (in chronological order) below the map. You may click on a marker or scroll down to those listings without waiting for the map to complete. The back arrow will bring you back to the map.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Amherst, MA: Downtown Amherst Contradance

— Sponsored by: Amherst Area Contras

Featuring: music by Clew Bay (Matthew Kenney, Stuart Kenney (bass), Peter Siegel (mandolin, guitar), Owen Marshal (guitar, mandolin) and Alden Robinson)

— Exciting, new contra dance in downtown Amherst featuring well-known and upcoming callers & musicians

Venue: Masonic Lodge (aka Pacific Lodge) : 99 Main Street get a map

Time: 7:30

Price: $10, Students $8, High School $6

— Note: Free intro lesson at 7; please bring soft-soled shoes (no street shoes on the floor).

For more information: (Email): de("will", "com", "dedicationtechnologies");


Generic Schedule: first, third & fifth Wednesdays (year round)

This date (April 18, 2012 ) is believed accurate by the Dance Gypsy)

Pura Vida Dance Camp

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