Welcome to the Dance Gypsy’s

User-registration page

Register as a user/updater:

To register a new account with the Dance Gypsy, please enter a user ID and password below.


Select an ID by which you will be known to the Dance Gypsy. It should be something easy for you to remember. Please use at least 6 .characters, include only letters, digits and the underscore character ("_") (no other punctuation, blanks or special characters).

Login Name: (min. 6 chars.)

Select a password to confirm your identity with each returning visit. Please use at least 6 characters, using only letters and digits (no punctuation, blanks or special characters).

Password: (min. 6 chars.)

Confirm password:

First (Given) name:

Last (Family) name:


Confirm E-mail:

Optional hint: (What is this?)

Again: Please be sure to record or remember your login ID and password. They will not be repeated in your confirmation letter. If you forget either you will need to get a new one. Always keep passwords secure.