The Dance Gypsy presents

The “Challenging Contradance Series” in Concord, Massachusetts

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Friday, March 2, 2012

DG favorite Concord, MA: Challenging Contradance Series

Featuring: George Marshall leading with music by Ethan Hazzard-Watkins (fiddle), Jeremiah McLane (accordion, piano), Owen Marshall (guitar and mandolin)

— challenging, advanced contras

Venue: Concord Scout House: 74 Walden Street get a map

Time: 8-11:00

Price: $9 (Under 21: $7)

— Note: For experienced and adventurous dancers.

For more information: (978) 779-6077; (Email): de("laleaf", "com", "yahoo");


Generic Schedule: first Fridays Oct-Jun

This date (March 2, 2012 ) is believed accurate by the Dance Gypsy)

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