The Dance Gypsy presents

Your list of venues in Indiana

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I found 15 venues

This (optional) map includes “clickable” links to the confirmed venues. Clicking on a “dancer pin” takes you to the details for that venue. All venues (confirmed or unconfirmed) matching your description are included (in chronological order) below the map. You may click on a marker or scroll down to those listings without waiting for the map to complete. The back arrow will bring you back to the map.

6102 Boy Scout Road

Indianapolis, IN

Zip: 32767

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Jack Creek Rd

Trevlac, IN

Zip: 47448

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886 East County Road 100 South

Brownstown, IN

Zip: 47220

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437 East Berry Street

Fort Wayne, IN

Zip: 46802

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Indianapolis, IN

Zip: 46203

(note: not specifically located on map)

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909 East 2nd Street

Bloomington, IN

Zip: 47401

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Indianapolis, IN

Zip: 32767

(note: not specifically located on map)

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4330 N. Michigan Rd.

Indianapolis, IN

Zip: 32767

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Bloomington, IN

Zip: 32767

(note: not specifically located on map)

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1215 Mishawaka Ave

South Bend, IN

Zip: 46601

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1001 Hosbrook Street

Indianapolis, IN

Zip: 46203

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Corydon, IN

Zip: 32767

(note: not specifically located on map)

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Bloomington, IN

Zip: 32767

(note: not specifically located on map)

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Indianapolis, IN

(note: not specifically located on map)

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603 N New Jersey St

Indianapolis, IN

Zip: 46202

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Displayed 15 venues in 0.009 seconds . (0.001 seconds per venue).