The Dance Gypsy

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Help avoiding all these pleas for support!!

Yes, under some circumstances, the number of these pleas can seem daunting. But actually there are many ways to avoid them. Understanding these will help you see fewer pleas, and (more importantly) help you navigate around them. We are talking here of the full page please that you may see instead of the page you wanted.

Ways to see no adds

There are many cases where there will be no ad, in particular you will not see an ad in these cases:

Some pages have fewer ads

So what does that leave? Who see lots of pleas? Actually very few. These requests are very likely to generate a plea:

Ways to avoid seeing them:


Ways to get past the ads that you do see:

Every one of these pleas has an escape line at the bottom. Just go to the bottom of the ad, and click that escape button and you will be taken to the page you really wanted to see. You do not need to actually read the ad, but you do have to get past it. You can scroll down or — you will be happy to know that — there is always a "jump to the bottom" button. So worst case: jump to the bottom of the page and then get your desired age.