The Dance Gypsy presents

Folk, contra and traditional Dance Musicians and Leaders Leaders in Colorado

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This (optional) map includes “clickable” links to the those performers for whom the Dance Gypsy knows locations (or has anapproximation based on an educated guess). Clicking on a “dancer pin” takes you to the description of that performer. All performers matching your description (whether or not there is a known location) are included (in alphabetical order) below the map. You may click on a marker or scroll down to those listings without waiting for the map to complete. The back arrow will bring you back to the map.

Note that all locations are approximate — the intent is to aid you in finding nearby performers. At best, they locate the performer’s home town. They cannot be used to find an actual residential address.

map showing locations of performers

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I found 5 performers

Jon Callahan

Appears as: leader

Plays for Swing Dance

Homebase is in (or near) Denver, CO

Larry Edelman

Appears as: leader and musician

Plays for Square and Contra Dance

Homebase is in (or near) Denver, CO

A member of: Percolators

For more information: (303) 871-8277; (Email): de('edelman.larry', 'org', 'tchden');


Tina Fields

(picture of Tina Fields)

Appears as: caller and leader

Plays for Contra Dance

Homebase is in (or near) Boulder, CO

Notes: Contradance and barn dance caller. Also singer & songleader.

For more information: (Email): de('tfields8', 'com', 'yahoo');


Some Recent appearances:

Saturday, March 22, 2014 Eugene, OR — Eugene Folklore Society Contra Dances

Ed Hall

Appears as: leader

Plays for Contra Dance

Homebase is in (or near) Denver, CO

For more information: (303) 777- 6259; (Email): de('ed_hall', 'net', 'earthlink');

Some Recent appearances:

Saturday, October 15, 2011 Berlin, VT — contra

Saturday, December 31, 2011 Fort Collins, CO — Friends of Traditional Dance

Saturday, June 16, 2012 Berlin, VT — contra

Saturday, June 29, 2013 Berlin, VT — contra

Dick Oakes

Appears as: leader

Plays for Balkan and International Folk Dance

Homebase is in (or near) CO

For more information: (Email): de('Info', 'net', 'PhantomRanch');


Displayed 5 performers in 0.021 seconds . (0.004 seconds per performer).