The Dance Gypsy presents

The “Hot Dance on a Cool Night” in Norwich, VT

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Norwich, VT: Hot Dance on a Cool Night

Featuring: Daron Douglas ~ David Millstone ~ Karen Axelrod

Description: Challenging contras and squares for experienced dancers

Dance styles include: Contra Square Dance

Note: Program aimed at experienced contra dancers; soft-soled shoes; bring snack to share for potluck dessert break

Venue: Tracy Hall: Main Street and Church Street get a map

Time: 8:00

Price: $10

For more information: (603) 448-2950; (Email): de('millstone', 'net', 'valley');

Date for 2013: Friday, September 20

(This event (festival #844) is believed accurate by the Dance Gypsy)

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