The Dance Gypsy presents

The “Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend” in Durham, NH

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Friday, January 13, 2017

Durham, NH: Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend (30 th annual)

Multi-day event: Friday, January 13, 2017 — Sunday, January 15, 2017

— Sponsored by: Rpdlw - Neffa

Featuring: Beth Parkes ~ Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra ~ David Millstone ~ Dudley Laufman ~ George Wilson ~ Mary Desrosiers ~ Selma Kaplan ~ the Sugar River String Band ~ Tod Whittemore ~ Tony Parkes

Description: Contra and square dance, new & old, celebrating the New England tradition. Register in advance if you want meals; sign up on the spot available if meals not desired.

Dance styles include: Contra International Square Folk Dance

Venue: Memorial Union Building (Granite State Room) : Main Street get a map

Price: $80; discounts for under 25yrs, 1st Time full registration; individual sessions available at the door

For more information: (603) 397-0042; (Email): de('rpdlw.registrar', 'net', 'comcast');


(This event (festival #319) is believed accurate by the Dance Gypsy)

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