The Dance Gypsy presents

The “Friends of Library Community Dance Fundraiser” in Schuylerville, NY

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Schuylerville, NY: Friends of Library Community Dance Fundraiser

— Sponsored by: Friends of the Schulerville Public Library

Featuring: Betsy Fry ~ Fern Bradley ~ Gabriel Sgambettera ~ Gigue-A-Bit ~ Steve Fry ~ Vonnie Estes

Description: Fern Bradley calls an all-inclusive community contra dance. Free admission, but donations for the Schuylerville public library are gladly accepted.

Dance styles include: Contra Family Multiple_style Dance

Venue: Schuylerville American Legion: 6 Clancy Street get a map

Time: 7-10pm

Price: $free admission, donations gladly accepted

For more information: (518) 695-6641; (Email): de('svl-director', 'edu', 'sals');

Date for 2016: Saturday, April 9

(This event (festival #2064) is believed accurate by the Dance Gypsy)

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