The Dance Gypsy presents

Musical Chairs, a band for contra


Musical Chairs
Plays for Contra dances
Homebase is in (or near) NH
Members include: Bob Reed (guitar, banjo-guitar), George Randall (guitar, harmonica, spoons), Ivy Leavitt-Carlson (fiddle), Peter Yarensky (fiddle, harmonica, pennywhistle), Sue Hunt (piano, accordion), Teresa Wyman (fiddle)
For more information: (phone): (603) 664-2513;

Displayed 1 performers in 0.008 seconds (0.008 seconds per performer).

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the Dance Gypsy! NE Dance Listings © The Dance Gyps 2004

This page last reformatted on  December 14, 2005 6:33 PM

Copyright © 2001-2004 by Greg Scragg and the Dance Gypsy; all rights reserved


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