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Presents …Some help in finding:

Wesley United Methodist Church (114 Main St) in Worcester, MA



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which, on Saturday, June 14, 2008 , is the site of the:

Contra dance


Worcester, MA

Featuring: Steve Howland calling with music by Rhubarb Pie String Band (Ann Roy (Fiddle), Chris Spicer (Fiddle), Kevin Blanchard (Penny Whistle), Ron Midgett (Fiddle and Tenor Banjo), Steve Howland (fiddle) and Tom Warnick (Guitar))
Time: (7:30) 8;
Location: Wesley United Methodist Church (114 Main St)
Price: $7 (students $6; children free)
— Please note: Please bring clean, soft-soled shoes
For more information: ;

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This page last reformated: May 29, 2007

Copyright © 2001-2007 by Greg Scragg and the Dance Gypsy; all rights reserved