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Presents …Some help in finding:

Walpole Town hall in Walpole, NH



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which, on Saturday, December 15, 2007 , is the site of the:

DG favorite

Contra dance


Walpole, NH

Featuring: Rick Mohr calling with music by Ethan Hazzard-Watkins (fiddle), Peter Barnes (Piano, flute, whistles and guitar), Peter Siegel (mandolin and guitar)
Time: (7:30) 8-11:30;
Location: Walpole Town hall
Price: $8 ($6students)
For more information: (phone): (802) 257-9234; ;

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This page last reformated: May 29, 2007

Copyright © 2001-2007 by Greg Scragg and the Dance Gypsy; all rights reserved