Description of Balkan Music And Dance Workshop, a international festival in Mendocino, CA

The Dance Gypsy presents

The “Balkan Music And Dance Workshop” in Mendocino, CA


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Saturday, June 24, 2006

(Special event)

Balkan Music And Dance Workshop (annual)
Mendocino, CA — Saturday, June 24, 2006 - Saturday, July 1, 2006
Description: Folk music and dance of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia & Turkey
Featuring: Joe Kaloyanides Graziosi ~ Ahmet Lüleci ~ Paul Brown ~ George Chittenden ~ Beth Bahia Cohen ~ Polly Tapia Ferber ~ Valeri Georgiev ~ Michael Ginsburg ~ Kalin Kirilov ~ Jerry Kisslinger ~ Nikolay Kolev ~ Giorgos Kotsaris ~ Kalman Magyar ~ Haig Manoukian ~ Rumen Shopov ~ Kruno Spisic ~ Ivan Varimezov ~ Christos Govetas ~ Ruth Hunter ~ Brenna MacCrimmon ~ Carol Silverman ~ Michele Simon ~ Dragi Spasovski ~ Tzvetanka Varimezova ~ Frank Garcia ~ Greg Jenkins
— Sponsored by: Eastern Europenan Folklife Center
Venue: Mendocino Woodlands (39350 Little Lake Road) get a map
For more information: (phone): (510) 549-2124;

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