The Dance Gypsy presents

The Contra dance in Concord, MA


This (optional) map includes “clickable” links to the first several (as many as 50) confirmed events. Clicking on a “dancer pin” takes you to the details for that event. All events (confirmed or unconfirmed) matching your description are included (in chronological order) below the map. You may click on a marker or scroll down to those listings without waiting for the map to complete. The back arrow will bring you back to the map.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Note: Dance Flurry Weekend — some events will be cancelled. Be sure to double check!

Concord Contra dance
Concord, MA — Saturday, February 17, 2007
Featuring: Beth Parkes calling with music by Jim Guinness (flute, saxes, clarinet) and Friends.
Venue: Concord Scout House (74 Walden Street) get a map
Time: 8:00 — Price: $8
For more information: (phone): (978) 667-7459;
Generic Schedule: third Saturdays (not in Jul, Aug) (This date unconfirmed by the Dance Gypsy)

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The page last reformated: November 19, 2006 10:07 PM

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