The Dance Gypsy presents

The Family Contra dance in Granby, CT


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Friday, April 6, 2007
Note: Good friday — some events will be cancelled. Be sure to double check!

Granby Family Contra dance
Granby, CT — Friday, April 6, 2007
Featuring: Jim Gregory leading with music by Heart’s Ease (Chris Keenan (fiddle), Don Moore (Autoharp), Gale Eberly (fiddle), Laura Mazza-Dixon (Guitar, viola da gamba), Linne Landgraf (Flute/whistle/recorder), Mark Bobman (fiddle), Mattie Banzauf (keyboard), Nancy Murphy Kalinowski (fiddle) and Nat Woodruff (Flute/whistle/recorder)).
Venue: South Church Parish Hall (242 Salmon Brook Road) get a map
Time: 7-9:00 — Price: $6
For more information: (phone): (860) 653-6146;
Generic Schedule: first Fridays (not in Jul, Aug)

Displayed 1 event in 3.294 seconds (3.294 seconds per event).

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