The Dance Gypsy presents

The English Country Dance in South Amherst, MA
(presented by Amherst Area English Country Dancers)


This (optional) map includes “clickable” links to the first several (as many as 50) confirmed events. Clicking on a “dancer pin” takes you to the details for that event. All events (confirmed or unconfirmed) matching your description are included (in chronological order) below the map. You may click on a marker or scroll down to those listings without waiting for the map to complete. The back arrow will bring you back to the map.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Annual "Wear Red" party! (English Country Dance)
South Amherst, MA — Monday, February 12, 2007
— Sponsored by: Amherst Area English Country Dancers
Featuring: Robin Hayden leading with music by Anna Patton (clarinet), Carol Compton (keyboard, accordion, and recorder) and Ethan Hazzard-Watkins (fiddle).
Venue: Munson Library (1046 S East St.) get a map
Time: 7-9:30 — Price: $6
— Note: Bring soft-soled shoes
For more information: (phone): (413) 256-8260;
Generic Schedule: Every Monday (not in Jul, Aug)

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The page last reformated: July 11, 2006 12:24 PM

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