The Dance Gypsy presents

The Contra dance in Northboro, MA


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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Note: Dance Flurry Weekend — some events will be cancelled. Be sure to double check!

Northboro Contra dance
Northboro, MA — Saturday, February 16, 2008
Featuring: Dan Pearl calling with music by Polymorphous String Band (Dick Hyland (Guitar, Mandolin), Jon Weinberg (Hammered Dulcimer, guitar) and Lyn Paul (Bass)).
Venue: First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church: 40 Church St. get a map
Time: (Workshop/lesson: 7:45) Dance: 8:00 — Price: $8
For more information: (phone): (978) 365-3883;
Generic Schedule: third Saturdays (not in Jun, Jul, Aug) (Check for cancellation information)

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